When do you need a will? The short answer is now. You see, we acquire “stuff” gradually, over time, but death can come suddenly, in the blink of an eye, at any moment. While I believe spiritually death is a change, as far as your worldly presence goes, death is final, permanent and irreversible. You
Backup of Sewer and Drain Coverage | Ohio Insurance Picture this. You open the door to your basement and see your kids’ toys floating across the floor and everything else under six inches of water or sewage. There is never a “good time” for these instances to happen. Some of your first questions may be:
“What the heck is the deal with all those flamingos?” We get the question all the time, and its a great question with a fun answer. The story starts in 2012 when Preferred Insurance was celebrating our 100th anniversary. As part of that celebration, we decided to make 2012 the “Year of Giving Back”. We
Webster’s definition of culture: “The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization.” Our Purpose We protect and improve people’s lives, so they can focus on what really matters in life. Our Core Values Execution That Amazes – Selfless, Honorable & Reliable Attitude That Amazes – Optimistic, Empathetic &
Business planning needs to start somewhere, and I think it should start with writing a culture description. I debated between writing a Mission Statement or a Culture Statement. I chose to start with the Culture Statement because it is a statement about “who” your business is, or perhaps “who” you want your business to be.
It seems as if we are constantly cleaning things outdoors. Your windows, patio furniture, and siding are all perfectly clean, but the one job you haven’t done yet is right on the tip of your nose, or rather, under your feet. That’s right! Your patio paving probably needs some cleaning up! You might just want
According to the Ohio Insurance Research Council, one in seven motorists in Ohio is operating without Ohio auto insurance. ONE IN SEVEN! That is 14%! After hearing this staggering statistic, I shouldn’t be surprised that I was a victim of one of these drivers. At the scene, the other driver was able to offer an
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